Saturday, April 29, 2017




The cayenne pepper, also known as Guinea spice, cow horn pepper, red hot chili pepper, aleva, bird pepper or when powered red pepper, is a variety of Capsicum annum, which is related to bell peppers, jalapenos, paprika and  others.   It is named for the city of Cayenne, the capital of French Guiana.  
The fruits of the pepper are generally dried and ground, or pulped and baked into cakes, which are then ground and sifted to make a powdered spice called cayenne.  Cayenne pepper has been used for both food and medicine for the last 9000 years.


Cayenne is a very versatile spice that can be added to everything from fish to eggs, soups, casseroles, tacos, and pasta.

 Cayenne is used in cooking spicy dishes, as a powder or in its whole form or in a thin vinegar-based sauce. The cayenne pepper is generally rated at 30,000 to 50,000 Scoville units, the measure of hotness for peppers.  The green bell measure measures zero.  
Cayenne pepper is also used as an herbal supplement and was mentioned by Nicholas Culpeper in his "Complete Herbal, 1653", as guinea pepper , a misnomer for Guiana.

Cayenne is a popular spice in a variety of cuisines.  It is employed variously in its fresh form, dried and powdered, and as flakes.  It is also a key ingredient in a variety of hot sauces, particularly those employing vinegar as a preservative.  Cayenne pepper is often spread on sandwiches or similar items to add a spicy flavor.

Cayenne pepper nutritional value per tablespoon or 5 grams (DV = Daily Value):

Calories17 kilocaloriesVitamin A44 percent DV
Vitamin C4.0 milligrams (7 percent DV)Vitamin E1.6 milligrams (8 percent DV)
Niacin0.5 milligrams (2 percent DV)Vitamin B60.1 milligrams (6 percent DV)
Calcium, Ca7.8 milligrams (1 percent DV)Iron, Fe0.4 milligrams (2 percent DV)
Magnesium, Mg8.0 milligrams (2 percent DV)Phosphorus, P15.4 milligrams (2 percent DV)
Potassium, K106 milligrams (3 percent DV)Sodium, Na1.6 milligrams (0 percent DV)
Zinc, Zn0.1 milligrams (1 percent DV)Copper0.0 milligrams (1 percent DV)
Manganese0.1 milligrams (5 percent DV)Selenium0.5 micrograms (1 percent DV)


Cayenne pepper by weight is high in vitamin A.  It also contains vitamin B6, vitamin E, vitamin C, riboflavin, potassium, and manganese.  Because of the very small amount of cayenne pepper consumed in a serving, the dietary intake of these nutrients is only negligible. 

Cayenne pepper consumption dilates the blood vessels and speeds the body's metabolism due to high 
amounts of capsaicin, which causes the body to produce heat, which in turn causes the body to lose weight.   This increases blood circulation and blood flow to major organs, facilitatimg oxygen and nutrient delivery.  Capsaicin may support a healthy energy balance while suppressing appetite.  Capsaicin has been shown to increase energy expenditure, so acts as a metabolism booster, and is beneficial in long term weight loss. 

Cayenne pepper is also claimed to be an aphrodisiac, because it contains capsaicin.  It has also been shown to aid oxidation of adipose tissue, regulate high blood pressure, promote healthy liver function and tissue production, help the digestive system, and promote healthy mucus production in the membranes that line the internal organs.  Cayenne pepper is high in flavonoids and carotenoids, giving the spice its red color. 

Health Benefits:

Cayenne pepper produces natural warmth in the body and stimulates peristaltic motion in the intestines aiding assimilation and elimination.  This is one of its prime health benefits.
It regulates blood flow from head to feet, equalizing pressure and influencing arteries, capillaries and nerves. 
 It helps alleviate allergies, muscle cramps, improves digestion, gives more pep and energy and helps wound healing with minimal scar tissue.
It is a counter-irritant bringing blood to the surface and allowing toxins to be taken away. 
Capsaicin supports natural rhythm of the viscera and interior actions of the glandular, circulatory, lymphatic and digestive systems. 
It helps alleviate heartburn
It is powerful in helping the body remove toxins from the blood.
It is good for dyspepsia and flatulence.
It eases a toothache and preserves teeth from rotting     

So..... East up !  Enjoy !  I'll show you how.


Incorporating Cayenne Pepper in Your Diet:  

  • Add cayenne pepper to spice mixtures such as curry and barbecue rub
  • Make homemade dressing using part oil, part vinegar, cayenne pepper and other seasonings.
  • Spice up your marinades by adding cayenne pepper. 

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