Sunday, August 5, 2018




The Jackfruit (Artocarpus heterophylius), also known as a jack tree, fenne, jackfruit or sometimes simply "Jack" of "Jak" is a species of tree in the fig, mulberry and breadfruit family native to southwest India.  The jackfruit tree is well suited to tropical lowlands, a nd its fruit is the largest tree-borne fruit , reaching as much as 120 pounds.  
The ripe and the unripe fruits are used as are the seeds.  The jackfruit is a widely cultivated and popular food item throughout the tropical regions of the world.  it is the national fruit of Bangladesh and also of Sri Lanka,. and the state fruit of the Indian states of Kerola and Tamil Nadu.  Kerala is the largest producer of jackfruit in the world. 


Ripe jackfruit is naturally sweet with subtle flavorings.  It can be used to make a variety of dishes including custards, cakes, or mixed with shaved ice.   Jackfruit has a distinctive sweet and fruity aroma.  The flavor is comparable to a combination of apple, pineapple, mango, and banana.  The seeds from ripe fruits are edible and are said to have a milky sweet taste often compared to Brazil nuts.   They may be boiled, baked, or roasted.  When roasted the flavor of the seeds is comparable to chestnuts.  Seeds are used as snacks (by boiling or fire roasting) or to make desserts.  
The flesh of the Jackfruit is starchy and fibrous and is a source of dietary fiber.  Some vegans think jackfruit tastes like pulled pork.


One cup of sliced jackfruit provides:

Calories:  155
Carbs:  40 grams
Fiber:  3 grams
Protein:  3 grams
Vitamin A:  10% RDI
Vitamin C:  18% RDI
Riboflavin:  11% RDI
Magnesium:  15% RDI
Potassium:  14% RDI
Copper:  15% RDI
Manganese:  16% RDI

Health Benefits:

Jackfruit is rich in several types of  anti oxidants, which are likely responsible for the majority of its health benefits.  Jackfruit is quite healthy as it provides a moderate amount of calories, in addition to lots of fiber, vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants.  
Jackfruit has several properties that may help with blood sugar management.  It has a fairly low glycemic index (GI), which is a measure of how quickly your blood sugar rises after eating it.  This has been attributed to the fiber which slows digestion and helps prevent blood sugar spikes.  

The most abundant antioxidants in Jackfruit:

Vitamin C - which may help prevent the inflammation that can lead to chronic disease like heart disease and cancer.

Carotenoids - may help lower inflammation and reduce risk of chronic disease such as type II diabetes, and heart disease.

Flavanones - contain anti-inflammatory properties that may help lower blood sugar, blood pressure , cholesterol levels reducing the risk of type II diabetes and heart disease.

Immune health - contains vitamin A and C which may help prevent illness.  Helps reduce the risk of viral infection. 

How to Eat Jackfruit:

To prepare the Jackfruit to eat you will first want to slice it in half and remove the yellow fruit pods and seeds from the skin  and core,  You can do this with a knife or your hands.  The white fibrous part inside the jackfruit is incredible sticky so, you may want to wear gloves.
While it is technically a fruit, jackfruit has the consistency of chicken or pork.  It has a fairly neutral taste when young, so it takes on the taste of whatever sauce or seasoning  you pair it with.  When jackfruit is "young", 'green",  or unripe , it has a totally different consistency and usage than when it is ripe. Ripe jackfruit is eaten like any fresh fruit.

So..... Eat up!  Enjoy!  I show you how.

BBQ Pulled Jackfruit Sandwiches:

1 TBS olive oil 
1 shallot, minced
1 cup ketchup
1 TBS honey
1 TBS apple cider vinegar
1/2 tsp sweet paprika
1 TBS Worcestershire  sauce
1 tsp chili powder
one 10.6 ounce pkg plain jackfruit rinsed and drained, and broken up with a spatula
4 hamburger buns

In a large skillet heat the oil over medium high heat.  Add the shallots and saute' 3 minutes until softened.
Reduce the heat to low add the ketchup, honey, vinegar, paprika, Worcestershire sauce, and chili powder.  Stir for 3 minutes until well combined.  Add the jackfruit and heat through for 5 minutes. Transfer a quarter of the jackfruit to each bun and serve hot.

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